Intra Abdominal Infections
Gastroenteritis : A syndrome characterized by gastrointestinal symptoms including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal discomfort
Diarrhea : Abnormal fecal discharge characterized by frequent and/or fluid stool; usually resulting from disease of the small intestine and involving increased fluid and electrolyte loss.
Dysentery:- An inflammatory disorder of the gastrointestinal tract often associated with blood and pus in the feces and accompanied by symptoms of pain, fever, abdominal cramps; usually resulting fromdisease of the large intestine
Enterocolitis : Inflammation involving the mucosa of both the small and large intestine . Important Pathogens responsible for GI infections
Caustive organisms:-
Cіtrobacter spp., Campylobacter jejunі, Cardnerella vagіnalіs, Enterobacter spp., Escherіchіa colі,Proteus spp., Salmonella spp., Serratia spp., Shіgella spp., Yersinia enterocolіtіca, Bacteroides spp. except Bacteroides fragilis , including B. melanіnogenіcus and other oral cavity microorganisms referred to bacteroides; Clostridium perfrіngens; Fusobacterіum spp.;
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